Writing React and Redux Applications: A Detailed Look Into Structuring Projects

2017, Dec 11    

There is no One True Project Structure when it comes to Redux. With this in mind, I’ll explain what has worked for me.

General structure

There are two approaches for grouping files:

  • By concept: one directory for components, reducers, actions, and so on.
  • By page: all files related to one page are inside the same directory.

Initially I started off with grouping by concept.

Grouping by concept works for small applications, but in order to add new pages, you have to make note of many files: reducers/MyPage.js, selectors/MyPage.js, components/MyPage.js and a few more, depending on the technologies used. This makes scaling difficult, and training additional developers for the project can deem tricky.

Since that didn’t work, I tried grouping files by view or page: dashboard, users, etc.

Here are main directories I have in my application:

  • app: Redux store configuration and root reducer, React Router routes, application root components with connections to Redux, Redux DevTools, React Router, and other stack-specific tooling.
  • components: shared components.
  • util: generic functions.
  • pages: features (could also be named views).

pages directories look like this:

  • I follow the Ducks convention so instead of separate files for actions, reducers and constants there are single duck file. I also put Reselect selectors into the duck file as selector named export.
  • The components directory contains all React components that are unique to this view.
  • PageNameView is connected to Redux and contains all action calls. Nested components receive handlers as props and don’t know anything about Redux. All page layout goes to PageNameLayout component.


For simple applications I like the simplest structure:


It works fine until you add more styles and other non-JavaScript files to your components. In this case I’d put every component into a separate directory:


File names are still contain component class names so you can open them using a fuzzy search in your editor. I also have an extra entry file in every component directory, index.js:

export { default } from './Component1';

It allows you to import components like this: components/Component1 instead of components/Component1/Component1.

Ducks and selectors

Each page has its own duck file duck.js structured as follows:

import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { createStructuredSelector } from 'reselect';

const DO_SOMETHING_COOL = 'myapp/page-name/DO_SOMETHING_COOL';

// Actions

export function doSomethingCool(what) {
  return {
    // ...

// Reducers

function cookiesReducer(state, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return {
      return {

export default combineReducers({
  cookies: cookiesReducer
  // ...

// Selectors

const isFetching = state => state.isFetching;
const cookies = state => state.data.cookies;

export const selector = createStructuredSelector({

Then import it at the root reducer, app/reducers.js:

import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import pageName from '../pages/page-name/duck';

export default combineReducers({
  // ...

I use selectors as the only way to access Redux state in components. So I connect selectors and actions to page’s root component, PageNameView.jsx:

import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';
import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import * as duck from '../duck';
import PageNameLayout from './PageNameLayout';

  state => duck.selector(state.pageName),
  dispatch => ({
    actions: bindActionCreators(duck, dispatch)
export default class PageNameView extends Component {
  Here you have:
  - this.props.actions.doSomethingCool
  - this.props.isFetching
  - this.props.cookies

  handleSomethingCool(what) {

  render() {
    const { isFetching } = this.props;
    return (
        {isFetching ? (
        ) : (
            onSomethingCool={what => this.handleSomethingCool(what)}

Development and production versions

In a few places I have separate files for development and production builds: containers/Root and store/configureStore, for example. I think they are easier to use then a single file with a bunch of ifs.

For example, configureStore.development.js and configureStore.production.js are completely independent modules and configureStore.js chooses which one to use:

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
  module.exports = require('./configureStore.production');
} else {
  module.exports = require('./configureStore.development');

It allows you to do import configureStore from './store/configureStore and have the right version of the module depending on the current environment.

Other approaches